Since its inception in May 1994, the Australian UFO Abduction Study Centre has been contacted by several hundred individuals. Most have been referred on to state level abduction support groups and UFO organisations.. This referral service has been one of the main aims of the Centre. In addition, the Centre has supplied several dozen information packs to interested health professionals. There are now some two to three dozen such professionals working with UFO researchers and support groups, a far cry from the very small numbers 2 1/2 years ago.
The CentreÆs networking Newsletter, ôRecollectionsö has, to date, seen 12 issues published, providing first hand accounts from experiencers, advice of relevant new books, and research articles. Publicity, via appearances on numerous television and radio stations has stimulated public debate on the topic. Again, this has been another prime aim of the Centre. Importantly, and this has been most welcomed by me, the growth in the number of state level support groups has decreased the number of individuals contacting me on the national level.
On a personal level, increased pressure of other projects requires me to restructure my involvement in certain areas of my interests. In reviewing the past 2 1/2 years, I believe the Centre has achieved most, if not all, of the objectives I set out for it, when I initiated it. It therefore seems timely to wind up the Centre at a time of such success.
So, regretfully, I announce the phased closure of the Australian UFO Abduction Study Centre. Effective immediately, I will no longer be producing a Centre Newsletter. Paid subscribers with outstanding issues will find a pro rata refund cheque enclosed. In addition I will no longer be promoting the Centre through the media. I will however, continue to offer a referral service to individuals who contact me between now and the 30th June 1997. The Centre will finally wind up at the 30th June 1997, after 3 years.
I am continuing to seek respondents to the UFO abduction after effects questionnaire, and, given sufficient additional returns, will be conducting a second analysis of the data in the questionnaires around June 1997. The results will be published.
IÆd like to thank you all for your contributions to the Centre, and youÆll no doubt hear of some of my new projects in due course.
Yours sincerely,
Keith Basterfield.